
⏳ The 2hr Workday - Evergreen Offers for Super Busy People

TL#20 - Crowded market, who dis?

Published 8 months ago • 3 min read

Read Time: 5min / Work Time: 10hrs

[YOU] 'hey Roberta, if all you want is to have a business that runs on autopilot, why do you care about launching?'

[ME - for the rest of the email] Fair question friend! What does it mean ‘TO LAUNCH’ if you are creating a program in evergreen that is always available for people to buy?

  • 'Launching' is throwing a big party to get people excited to buy your offer
  • Turning ON the evergreen program is a ‘launch’ (hopefully it never ends :). Especially if you are launching a NEW OFFER, you wanna create a ‘launch-like’ buzz to TEST it out properly and get it off the ground faster.
  • Reduces ADS COSTS (an arm and a leg nowadays)
  • Creates word-of-mouth and referrals to pay for the funnel until your paid ads and organic content pick up.

So you probably wanna launch your evergreen offer when your audience is more likely to buy (ahem, launch season) to get traction faster. Now the downside is that EVERYBODY KNOWS it’s launch season - so there are a lot more offers out there for your people to decide from.


This newsletter is dedicated to peeps that DON’T HAVE A TON OF TIME (ahem 2hr-workday) so let me share 2 ‘tricks’ I’ve used to stand out during launch season without being ON all the time (or have a big audience).

Standout Strategy 1: FUNMERCIALS

Step aside ‘infomercials’!! Nobody cares about getting more information, people are really into ENTERTAINMENT - and by ‘people’, I mean ‘me’ 😂 (maybe you too).

So the trend now is to make it fun and aspirational while selling…I call it ‘Funmercials’

Entertainment + Selling = ‘Fun-mercial’
Amazon™ sellers, DIY and travel blogs are great examples we can all swipe for promo inspiration!

And if like me you have zero time to dress up and shoot movie-quality videos...get started with GIFs, stock video or even a 'faceless' mini video of your workspace, program printout, etc.

The point is to infuse a little 'fun' to your topic so people can stick around a little longer to hear about your offer.

Standout Strategy 2: VISUAL JABS

Do you know Gary V’s concept of ‘jab, jab, jab, right hook’? In a nutshell, he says that to sell in digital marketing you should ‘give’ 3 times before ‘asking’ for an action. Alex Hormozi just raised it to 'give' for an year and then sell - but let's keep it to 3.

Since free ‘content’ is not even a ‘jab’ anymore (thanks ChatGPT and hordes of people creating content everyday) I am always looking for fresh ways to give value

Last year I realized that people were saying things like: ‘I loved your sales page so much, I bought the course because of it' or 'I love your website' (all templates btw)...

and I realized that having a STRONG VISUAL PRESENCE can actually sell!!! Visuals also serves as inspiration - which is a VALUABLE 'JAB'!!

Some thoughts to spice up your visuals and KEEP PEOPLE AROUND A BIT LONGER.


Have a point of view, use colors and icons that your people like and trust already (if your audience like Jenna Kutcher for example, use colors and fonts similar to hers).

Here's how I'd 'hack' the brands that my audience already love and trust.


Use more relatable content like my 'notes' above, little 'behind the scenes' videos, step by step mini tutorials to show the process in a more interesting way, fun color combos (literally anything goes!).

Alright, this was fun but I definitely don’t wanna overwhelm you with more things to do!! Those are 'good to haves'...
⚠️ So remember to follow your
1:1:1 plan and file this post under the ‘Try This Next’ folder if it doesn't help you right this minute!

Looking forward to seeing you around launch season!


Pep-Talk Time: Before you get fancy with making money on autopilot, you need a VALUABLE digital offer to sell 👉🏻 IF YOU WANT A COURSE - Amy's Course Confident Bootcamp ($47) is happening right now (and I'm one of the mentors inside)! Absolutely worth your time to learn how to create a program that gives people results (there is plenty of crappy courses out there - you gotta do better to make it in this business).

Shameless Plug: The agency is launching a new service called 'TeamShare' - pretty much you can hire a whole team to create marketing assets for you (without the exorbitant cost + the flexibility to cancel or pause at any time if things change). Keep an eye for the invitation later this month.

⏳ The 2hr Workday - Evergreen Offers for Super Busy People

Expert Business On Autopilot

👋🏻 Hi, I'm Roberta, ex-corporate MBA turned into million-dollar evergreen course creator. Join 6K+ folks learning to make damn good passive income with evergreen products. Weekly fast action tutorials + templates to turn your content (or expertise) into a business on autopilot (all in under 2hr/day).

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