
⏳ The 2hr Workday - Evergreen Offers for Super Busy People

Make 2024 your year on autopilot ✨

Published 5 months ago • 5 min read

Read Time: 4 min / Planning Time: 3 hrs

Ah, Reader the sweet smell of planning season!!! Everything is open possibility and I'd be a bit of a jerk if I didn’t share my plan with you…

So here are a few ideas to get a little slice of your business on autopilot. All planned out and scheduled for 2024.
If you’ve been here for a bit, you know how I got started with evergreen…Back in 2021, my son was home full time, I had a 50 hr work week at my corporate job while trying to grow the course side-business enough to quit my job.
Nuts but a lot of you are probably in the same boat.

Long story short, I poured nights, early mornings, vacation time, holidays, a ton of money into growing a list, creating a course and launching…to fall short all the time.

So I learned ads to replace posting on social media. And that was my first big evergreen break…I finally had a system to bring in people to my webinars, my blog and my offers every day.

Let’s assume for a minute that you want an evergreen system so in 2024 you can:

  • Make an extra $2K a month to take a really nice vacation
  • Grow the side-business enough to quit the old job
  • Take in less 1:1 clients
  • Pay for a team and free you to create other offers
  • Scale to 7+ figures like I’m doing…

Then let me share the plan I give to my agency and mastermind clients…


Make Some Decisions

Here is where you might get stuck but you can’t move forward without it. There is no right answer and no one can tell you what will work (forget hiring the $10K coach to tell you what to do!)

👉🏻 [Action Hack] Set aside 2 hours and make the freakin’ decisions for now. The mindset hack I use is to treat them as ASSUMPTIONS - you will then prove them right (or wrong) and go from there.

Here are some of the questions you need to answer before moving forward:

  1. Program Name, Price, Main Purpose or Benefit (aka what people will do or get after they go through your program)
  2. What you want it to do in your business: Free leads, nurture to higher offer, small income, core business model, etc.
  3. A little bit about your audience: no need to get super specific here, just in broad strokes what are their interests, topics they are currently searching for and groups they might belong to on Facebook/Instagram :)
  4. Budget (Money and Time): you will need to learn, run ads (if you trust me that this is the best way :), hire contractors to help, etc. You will also need to put solid time on your (already busy) calendar to work on it.
  5. Tech: if you don’t know what tech to use, this is easy to decide later when you are actually creating your evergreen sales funnel (keep reading)

Once you have made those ‘assumptions’ it is time to get into action. The first thing you need is to get people to see you and your stuff so you can test them.

Install Promo System

Why: How you will get a ton of people to see your evergreen offer when ready (on average you’ll need 100 people a day to make 1 sale), so start troubleshooting early how you will get that type of traffic.

**This is the biggest change I’ve made to my evergreen framework (Straight to Evergreen) since I launched 2 years ago…Before, I would teach you to test the offer first and then find the ads audiences, but new ads accounts are taking longer to ‘learn’ and get primed - so we start with your ads and expert content system first to give it enough time to prime.

What: 80% paid ads and 20% social media/organic traffic is my recommendation but if you are a TikTok wiz feel free to adjust this ratio :)

How: Learn how to set up basic ads for evergreen (not every ads strategy will work!!) and start promoting your best expert content. Pick one platform (Podcast, Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok, LinkedIn, etc.) and promote your expertise through that 1 platform exclusively.

Timeframe: 1 - 2 months

Evergreen Your Offer

Why: A great evergreen offer is a little different than your typical course or membership and it looks more like a product than a course. It also needs to appeal and serve the highest number of people possible.

What: In order to be more appealing in evergreen you’ll need evergreen Message, Features (Bonuses, Support) and Training Materials (worksheets, calculators, audio training, etc).

How: Create new assets or a whole new program tailored to evergreen

Timeframe: 1 month or less for add-ons, 2 months for a full course

Auto Sales Experience (aka Evergreen Funnel)

Why: While you can get a full ‘funnel’ for free these days…great results lie in the intersection of a great OFFER delivered to the RIGHT PERSON through a perfectly crafted automatic EXPERIENCE. Easy right?!

Not quite…but with the right building process it is actually easier than you think.

What: Evergreen Funnel, it usually includes PAGES, WEBINARS, EMAILS, AUTOMATION, etc. It is a sequence of events your leads will experience to decide if they should invest in your program or not.

How: Decide on the type of funnel, map it out, learn how to create the pieces (or hire a contractor, etc), test and launch it 🎉

**For this part of the process you will likely need to commit to a mentor/process because there are just too many options for you to choose from. The key here is to COMMIT…pick one framework and stick to it. ‘Funnel-hopping’ is going to delay your progress.

Timeframe: 1 month (experienced) to 3 months (novice)

Put on the Evergreen CEO hat

Why: Evergreen is NOT ‘set and forget’ as most people like to brag about…it is like having a ‘store’, you will look at the performance every week, identify trends, make changes, improve, troubleshoot, etc.

What: Weekly tests and monthly projects to boost your sales and grow your business.

How: Learn what data to collect, identify trends, create tests and evaluate results.

Monthly or Quarterly: test new funnels, partnerships and traffic sources to scale.

** Let’s just be honest, if I (or anybody else) could put together a funnel for you that would guarantee millions of dollars from the get go…we would all be trillionaires 🤑. The secret is to set a date, launch the funnel and get into the routine of improving it weekly.

Timeframe: for as long as you want money and leads on autopilot 💣

Now that we discussed the milestones or big phases, let’s look at what your evergreen year can look like.

I am attaching a simple calendar for you to brainstorm (evergreen) projects to take up in 2024 (click on the picture below)

Your Evergreen Year (for beginners)

Jan/Feb: Get ads campaigns to promote expert content
Mar: Evergreen your program
April-May: Create funnel (pages, emails, ManyChat bot, etc)
Jun: Launch 🔥make small changes to the funnel weekly to make it more profitable
Jul-Aug: start scaling ads weekly (slowly) and continue to make small changes
Sep/Oct: New funnel or joint venture (start scaling faster)
Nov: Black Friday promotion (scale)
Dec: New upsell, downsell or new offer

Your Evergreen Year (for experienced digital creators)

Jan: Ads campaign to ‘waitlist’ or funnel event (lead magnet, etc). Improve cost per lead (CPL), create focused organic traffic content.
Feb: Improve offer and start creating funnel
Mar: finalize funnel and launch 🔥
April (scaling fast to 6+ figures): Scale ads weekly and start a visibility effort (podcasts, summits, etc)
May: Continue to scale
Jun-Jul: New funnel or joint venture
Aug - Dec: New program and/or special promotions and offers (including book funnels, etc)

How does it sound? Easy enough? Not sure? Just get the first decisions made and go from there! And if you want my thoughts on it, REPLY BACK with what you came up! I absolutely love helping you come up with a good game plan!

🥂Cheers to an evergreen year! 🥂


Whenever you're ready, there are a few ways I can help you in 2024 and beyond:
. Straight to Evergreen: Get the framework to create your promo system with ads and the funnel experience that you need to create automatic programs. Fully redesigned program with the freshest strategies that are working right now. Jan bonus is a 5-week coaching group that you can't miss (relaunch Jan 16th!)

2. Scale with Evergreen: Already have a working funnel and need help scaling it? Apply to the coaching program that helps you implement advanced strategies and get into the routines to grow funnels.

⏳ The 2hr Workday - Evergreen Offers for Super Busy People

Expert Business On Autopilot

👋🏻 Hi, I'm Roberta, ex-corporate MBA turned into million-dollar evergreen course creator. Join 6K+ folks learning to make damn good passive income with evergreen products. Weekly fast action tutorials + templates to turn your content (or expertise) into a business on autopilot (all in under 2hr/day).

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